Thank you for purchasing my item. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email me via our user page contact form on CodeCanyon. Thanks so much!
This is HTML5 ready video player that plays videos from YouTube, Vimeo, self hosted videos (mp4) , Google drive videos, Dropbox videos, m3u8 HLS videos with optional pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll and pop-up advertising system for each video you create.
Player supports gallery (with unlimited videos) which can be on right side, below video, or turned off.
You can add videos to playlist manually or automatically (from youtube playlist or youtube user channel).
Inside the download zip from CodeCanyon you'll find the following structure:
deploy - containes "minified" versions of all scripts (js/css). This means the scripts/css files have been compressed so they load faster.
documentation - containes documentation files
source - containes original versions of all scripts (js/css).Identical to "deploy" folder except nothing is minified. If you wish to change css and javascript files use this folder. After making changes, for faster loading you can minify the CSS/JS files by using the following tools:
Open index.html file from the "deploy" folder.
Video player only needs few lines of code to get started:
- $(document).ready(function($)
- {
- videoPlayer = $("#Elite_video_player").Video();
- });
But you can also override the default settings by passing the arguments.
Below is example of calling the plugin with explanation of arguments (all plugin options) and added 1 video to the playlist:
- $(document).ready(function($)
- {
- videoPlayer = $("#Elite_video_player").Video({ //ALL PLUGIN OPTIONS
- vastUrl:"assets/vast/xml/vast.xml", //insert here your VAST xml, VMAP xml, or IMA tag
- googleAnalyticsTrackingCode: "UA-87467628-3",//track video events using Google Analytics (how may times video is played, downloaded, etc.)
- instanceName:"player1", //name of the player instance
- instanceTheme:"dark", //choose video player theme: "dark", "light"
- autohideControls:5, //autohide HTML5 player controls
- hideControlsOnMouseOut:"No", //hide HTML5 player controls on mouse out of the player: "Yes","No"
- playerLayout: "fitToContainer", //Select player layout: "fitToContainer" (responsive mode), "fixedSize" (fixed mode), "fitToBrowser" (fill the browser mode)
- videoPlayerWidth:1006, //fixed total player width (only for playerLayout: "fixedSize")
- videoPlayerHeight:420, //fixed total player height (only for playerLayout: "fixedSize")
- videoRatio: 16/9, //set your video ratio (calculate video width/video height)
- videoRatioStretch: false, //adjust video ratio for case when playlist is "opened" : true/false
- iOSPlaysinline: true, //on iOS device: play videos inline (like on desktop) or in Fullscreen by default: true/false
- floatPlayerOutsideViewport: false, //show Sticky player if video player is not in viewport when scrolling through page
- pauseStickyOutsideViewport: false, //pause sticky player if video player is not in viewport when scrolling through page
- lightBox:false, //lightbox mode :true/false
- lightBoxAutoplay: false, //autoplay video when lightbox opens: true/false
- lightBoxThumbnail:"images/preview_images/poster.jpg", //lightbox thumbnail image
- lightBoxThumbnailWidth: 400, //lightbox thumbnail image width
- lightBoxThumbnailHeight: 220, //lightbox thumbnail image height
- lightBoxCloseOnOutsideClick: true, //close lightbox when clicked outside of player area
- playlist:"Right playlist", //choose playlist type: "Right playlist", "Bottom playlist", "Off"
- playlistShowOnlyThumbnails:false, //show thumbnails only in playlist
- playlistOrder:"", //choose order of videos in playlist, choose which videos will show ("0,1,2" will show first three videos from playlist)
- playlistScrollType:"light", //choose scrollbar type: "light","minimal","light-2","light-3","light-thick","light-thin","inset","inset-2","inset-3","rounded","rounded-dots","3d","dark","minimal-dark","dark-2","dark-3","dark-thick","dark-thin","inset-dark","inset-2-dark","inset-3-dark","rounded-dark","rounded-dots-dark","3d-dark","3d-thick-dark"
- playlistBehaviourOnPageload:"opened (default)",//choose playlist behaviour when webpage loads: "closed", "opened (default)" (not apply to Vimeo player)
- autoplay:false, //autoplay when webpage loads: true/false (youtube autoplay - not supported on mobile)
- colorAccent:"#cc181e", //plugin colors accent (hexadecimal or RGB value -
- vimeoColor:"00adef", //set "hexadecimal value", default vimeo color is "00adef"
- youtubeControls:"custom controls", //choose youtube player controls: "custom controls", "default controls"
- youtubeSkin:"dark", //default youtube controls theme: light, dark
- youtubeColor:"red", //default youtube controls bar color: red, white
- youtubeQuality:"default", //choose youtube quality: "small", "medium", "large", "hd720", "hd1080", "highres", "default"
- youtubeShowRelatedVideos:"Yes", //choose to show youtube related videos when video finish: "Yes", "No" (onFinish:"Stop video" needs to be enabled)
- videoPlayerShadow:"effect1", //choose player shadow: "effect1" , "effect2", "effect3", "effect4", "effect5", "effect6", "off"
- loadRandomVideoOnStart:"No", //choose to load random video when webpage loads: "Yes", "No"
- shuffle:"No", //choose to shuffle videos when playing one after another: "Yes", "No" (shuffle button enabled/disabled on start)
- posterImg:"images/preview_images/poster.jpg",//player poster image
- posterImgOnVideoFinish:"images/preview_images/poster2.jpg",//player poster image on video finish (if enabled onFinish:"Stop video")
- onFinish:"Play next video", //"Play next video","Restart video", "Stop video",
- nowPlayingText:"Yes", //enable disable now playing title: "Yes","No"
- HTML5VideoQuality:"HD", //choose HTML5 video quality (HD, SD)
- HTML5videoThumbnails: "vtt", //select video thumbnails for HTML5 self hosted videos: "none", "vtt", "live" "none"->disable thumbnails,"vtt"->show pre-made images at specified time intervals, "live"->thumbnails show in real-time captured from actual video.
- preloadSelfHosted:"none", //choose preload buffer for self hosted mp4 videos (video type HTML5): "none", "auto"
- rightClickMenu:true, //enable/disable right click over HTML5 player: true/false
- hideVideoSource:false, //option to hide self hosted video sources (to prevent users from download/steal your videos): true/false
- showAllControls:true, //enable/disable all HTML5 player controls: true/false
- allowSkipAd:true, //enable/disable "Skip advertisement" option: true/false
- rewindShow: "Yes", //enable/disable rewind option: "Yes","No"
- qualityShow: "Yes", //enable/disable quality video option: "Yes","No"
- infoShow:"Yes", //enable/disable info option: "Yes","No"
- shareShow:"Yes", //enable/disable all share options: "Yes","No"
- facebookShow:"Yes", //enable/disable facebook option individually: "Yes","No"
- twitterShow:"Yes", //enable/disable twitter option individually: "Yes","No"
- facebookShareName:"Elite video player", //first parametar of facebook share in facebook feed dialog is title
- facebookShareLink:"", //second parametar of facebook share in facebook feed dialog is link below title
- facebookShareDescription:"Elite Video Player is stunning, modern, responsive, fully customisable high-end video player for WordPress that support advertising and the most popular video platforms like YouTube, Vimeo or self-hosting videos (mp4).", //third parametar of facebook share in facebook feed dialog is description below link
- facebookSharePicture:"", //fourth parametar in facebook feed dialog is picture on left side
- twitterText:"Elite video player", //first parametar of twitter share in twitter feed dialog is text
- twitterLink:"", //second parametar of twitter share in twitter feed dialog is link
- twitterHashtags:"wordpressvideoplayer", //third parametar of twitter share in twitter feed dialog is hashtag
- twitterVia:"Creative media", //fourth parametar of twitter share in twitter feed dialog is via (@)
- googlePlus:"", //share link over Google +
- logoShow:"Yes", //"Yes","No"
- logoClickable:"Yes", //"Yes","No"
- logoPath:"images/logo/logo.png", //path to logo image
- logoGoToLink:"", //redirect to page when logo clicked
- logoPosition:"bottom-left", //choose logo position: "bottom-right","bottom-left"
- embedShow:"Yes", //enable/disable embed option: "Yes","No"
- embedCodeSrc:"", //path to your video player on server
- embedCodeW:"746", //embed player code width
- embedCodeH:"420", //embed player code height
- embedShareLink:"", //direct link to your site (or any other URL) you want to be "shared"
- showGlobalPrerollAds: false, //enable/disable 'global' ads and overwrite each individual ad in 'videos' :true/false
- globalPrerollAds: "url1;url2;url3;url4;url5",//set 'pool' of url's that are separated by ; (global prerolls will play randomly)
- globalPrerollAdsSkipTimer: 5, //skip global advertisement seconds
- globalPrerollAdsGotoLink: "",//global advertisement goto link
- advertisementTitle:"Advertisement", //translate "Advertisement" title to your language
- skipAdvertisementText:"Skip advertisement", //translate "Skip advertisement" button to your language
- skipAdText:"You can skip this ad in", //translate "You can skip this ad in" counter to your language
- mutedNotificationText:"Video has no sound", //translate "Video has no sound" button to your language
- playBtnTooltipTxt:"Play", //translate "Play" to your language
- pauseBtnTooltipTxt:"Pause", //translate "Pause" to your language
- rewindBtnTooltipTxt:"Rewind", //translate "Rewind" to your language
- downloadVideoBtnTooltipTxt:"Download video", //translate "Download video" to your language
- qualityBtnOpenedTooltipTxt:"Close settings", //translate "Close settings" to your language
- qualityBtnClosedTooltipTxt:"Settings", //translate "Settings" to your language
- ccShowOnHTML5Videos: true, //enable/disable mp4 captions globally for all HTML5 videos
- ccShowOnVideoLoad: true, //enable/disable mp4 captions to display on HTML5 video load (if ccUrl is defined)
- ccBtnOpenedTooltipTxt:"Hide captions", //translate "Hide captions" to your language
- ccBtnClosedTooltipTxt:"Show captions", //translate "Show captions" to your language
- muteBtnTooltipTxt:"Mute", //translate "Mute" to your language
- unmuteBtnTooltipTxt:"Unmute", //translate "Unmute" to your language
- fullscreenBtnTooltipTxt:"Fullscreen", //translate "Fullscreen" to your language
- exitFullscreenBtnTooltipTxt:"Exit fullscreen",//translate "Exit fullscreen" to your language
- infoBtnTooltipTxt:"Show info", //translate "Show info" to your language
- embedBtnTooltipTxt:"Embed", //translate "Embed" to your language
- shareBtnTooltipTxt:"Share", //translate "Share" to your language
- volumeTooltipTxt:"Volume", //translate "Volume" to your language
- playlistBtnClosedTooltipTxt:"Show playlist", //translate "Show playlist" to your language
- playlistBtnOpenedTooltipTxt:"Hide playlist", //translate "Exit fullscreen" to your language
- facebookBtnTooltipTxt:"Share on Facebook", //translate "Share on Facebook" to your language
- twitterBtnTooltipTxt:"Share on Twitter", //translate "Share on Twitter" to your language
- googlePlusBtnTooltipTxt:"Share on Google+", //translate "Share on Google+" to your language
- lastBtnTooltipTxt:"Go to last video", //translate "Go to last video" to your language
- firstBtnTooltipTxt:"Go to first video", //translate "Go to first video" to your language
- nextBtnTooltipTxt:"Play next video", //translate "Play next video" to your language
- previousBtnTooltipTxt:"Play previous video", //translate "Play previous video" to your language
- shuffleBtnOnTooltipTxt:"Shuffle on", //translate "Shuffle on" to your language
- shuffleBtnOffTooltipTxt:"Shuffle off", //translate "Shuffle off" to your language
- nowPlayingTooltipTxt:"NOW PLAYING", //translate "NOW PLAYING" to your language
- embedWindowTitle1:"SHARE THIS PLAYER:", //translate "SHARE THIS PLAYER:" to your language
- embedWindowTitle2:"EMBED THIS VIDEO IN YOUR SITE:",//translate "EMBED THIS VIDEO IN YOUR SITE:" to your language
- embedWindowTitle3:"SHARE LINK TO THIS PLAYER:",//translate "SHARE LINK TO THIS PLAYER:" to your language
- youtubePlaylistID:"", //automatic youtube playlist ID (leave blank "" if you want to use manual playlist) PLuFX50GllfgP_mecAi4LV7cYva-WLVnaM
- youtubeChannelID:"", //automatic youtube channel ID (leave blank "" if you want to use manual playlist) UCHqaLr9a9M7g9QN6xem9HcQ
- youtubeChannelNumberOfVideos:"",
- //manual playlist
- videos:[
- {
- videoType:"youtube", //choose video type: "HTML5", "youtube", "vimeo", "image"
- title:"Youtube video", //video title
- youtubeID:"0dJO0HyE8xE", //last part if the URL
- vimeoID:"119641053", //last part of the URL
- mp4HD:"", //HTML5 video HD mp4 url
- mp4SD:"", //HTML5 video SD mp4 url
- mp4VideoThumbnails_vtt:"captions/videoThumbnails.vtt", //mp4 thumbnails vtt file
- mp4VideoThumbnails_img:"captions/videoThumbnails.vtt", //mp4 thumbnails jpg file (single spritesheet)
- ccUrl: "", //mp4 captions url
- enable_mp4_download:"no", //enable download button for self hosted videos: "yes","no"
- imageUrl:"images/preview_images/poster2.jpg", //display image instead of playing video
- imageTimer:4, //set time how long image will display
- prerollAD:"no", //show pre-roll "yes","no"
- prerollGotoLink:"", //pre-roll goto link
- preroll_mp4:"", //pre-roll video mp4 format
- prerollSkipTimer:5,
- midrollAD:"no", //show mid-roll "yes","no"
- midrollAD_displayTime:"00:10", //show mid-roll at any custom time in format "minutes:seconds" ("00:00")
- midrollGotoLink:"", //mid-roll goto link
- midroll_mp4:"", //mid-roll video mp4 format
- midrollSkipTimer:5,
- postrollAD:"no", //show post-roll "yes","no"
- postrollGotoLink:"", //post-roll goto link
- postroll_mp4:"", //post-roll video mp4 format
- postrollSkipTimer:5,
- popupImg:"images/preview_images/popup.jpg", //popup image URL
- popupAdShow:"no", //enable/disable popup image: "yes","no"
- popupAdStartTime:"00:03", //time to show popup ad during playback
- popupAdEndTime:"00:07", //time to hide popup ad during playback
- popupAdGoToLink:"", //re-direct to URL when popup ad clicked
- description:"Video description goes here.", //video description
- thumbImg:"images/thumbnail_images/pic1.jpg", //set "auto" or leave blank "" to grab it automatically from youtube, or set path to playlist thumbnail image
- info:"Video info goes here.<br>This text can be <i>HTML formatted</i>, <a href='' target='_blank'><font color='008BFF'>find out more</font></a>.<br>You can disable this info window in player options. <br><br>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eu pri dolores theophrastus. Posidonium vituperatoribus cu mel, cum feugiat nostrum sapientem ne. Vis ea summo persius, unum velit erant in eos, pri ut suas iriure euripidis. Ad augue expetendis sea. Ne usu saperet appetere honestatis, ne qui nulla debitis sententiae." //video info
- }
- ]
- });
- });
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
- <meta name="description" content="Elite Video Player"/>
- <meta property="og:title" content="Elite Video Player by _zac_"/>
- <meta property="og:image" content=""/>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/elite.css" type="text/css" media="screen"/>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/elite-font-awesome.css" type="text/css">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery.mCustomScrollbar.css" type="text/css">
- <script src=""></script>
- <script src=""></script>
- <script src="js/froogaloop.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- <script src="js/jquery.mCustomScrollbar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- <script src="js/THREEx.FullScreen.js"></script>
- <script src="js/videoPlayer.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- <script src="js/Playlist.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/ZeroClipboard.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
- $(document).ready(function($)
- {
- videoPlayer = $("#Elite_video_player").Video({ //ALL PLUGIN OPTIONS
- vastUrl:"assets/vast/xml/vast.xml", //insert here your VAST xml, VMAP xml, or IMA tag
- googleAnalyticsTrackingCode: "UA-87467628-3",//track video events using Google Analytics (how may times video is played, downloaded, etc.)
- instanceName:"player1", //name of the player instance
- instanceTheme:"dark", //choose video player theme: "dark", "light"
- autohideControls:5, //autohide HTML5 player controls
- hideControlsOnMouseOut:"No", //hide HTML5 player controls on mouse out of the player: "Yes","No"
- playerLayout: "fixedSize", //Select player layout: "fitToContainer" (responsive mode), "fixedSize" (fixed mode), "fitToBrowser" (fill the browser mode)
- videoPlayerWidth:1006, //fixed total player width (only for playerLayout: "fixedSize")
- videoPlayerHeight:420, //fixed total player height (only for playerLayout: "fixedSize")
- videoRatio: 16/9, //set your video ratio (calculate video width/video height)
- videoRatioStretch: false, //adjust video ratio for case when playlist is "opened" : true/false
- iOSPlaysinline: true, //on iOS device: play videos inline (like on desktop) or in Fullscreen by default: true/false
- floatPlayerOutsideViewport: false, //show Sticky player if video player is not in viewport when scrolling through page
- pauseStickyOutsideViewport: false, //pause sticky player if video player is not in viewport when scrolling through page
- lightBox:false, //lightbox mode :true/false
- lightBoxAutoplay: false, //autoplay video when lightbox opens: true/false
- lightBoxThumbnail:"images/preview_images/poster.jpg", //lightbox thumbnail image
- lightBoxThumbnailWidth: 400, //lightbox thumbnail image width
- lightBoxThumbnailHeight: 220, //lightbox thumbnail image height
- lightBoxCloseOnOutsideClick: true, //close lightbox when clicked outside of player area
- playlist:"Right playlist", //choose playlist type: "Right playlist", "Bottom playlist", "Off"
- playlistShowOnlyThumbnails:false, //show thumbnails only in playlist
- playlistOrder:"", //choose order of videos in playlist, choose which videos will show ("0,1,2" will show first three videos from playlist)
- playlistScrollType:"light", //choose scrollbar type: "light","minimal","light-2","light-3","light-thick","light-thin","inset","inset-2","inset-3","rounded","rounded-dots","3d","dark","minimal-dark","dark-2","dark-3","dark-thick","dark-thin","inset-dark","inset-2-dark","inset-3-dark","rounded-dark","rounded-dots-dark","3d-dark","3d-thick-dark"
- playlistBehaviourOnPageload:"opened (default)",//choose playlist behaviour when webpage loads: "closed", "opened (default)" (not apply to Vimeo player)
- autoplay:false, //autoplay when webpage loads: true/false (youtube autoplay - not supported on mobile)
- colorAccent:"#cc181e", //plugin colors accent (hexadecimal or RGB value -
- vimeoColor:"00adef", //set "hexadecimal value", default vimeo color is "00adef"
- youtubeControls:"custom controls", //choose youtube player controls: "custom controls", "default controls"
- youtubeSkin:"dark", //default youtube controls theme: light, dark
- youtubeColor:"red", //default youtube controls bar color: red, white
- youtubeQuality:"default", //choose youtube quality: "small", "medium", "large", "hd720", "hd1080", "highres", "default"
- youtubeShowRelatedVideos:"Yes", //choose to show youtube related videos when video finish: "Yes", "No" (onFinish:"Stop video" needs to be enabled)
- videoPlayerShadow:"effect1", //choose player shadow: "effect1" , "effect2", "effect3", "effect4", "effect5", "effect6", "off"
- loadRandomVideoOnStart:"No", //choose to load random video when webpage loads: "Yes", "No"
- shuffle:"No", //choose to shuffle videos when playing one after another: "Yes", "No" (shuffle button enabled/disabled on start)
- posterImg:"images/preview_images/poster.jpg",//player poster image
- posterImgOnVideoFinish:"images/preview_images/poster2.jpg",//player poster image on video finish (if enabled onFinish:"Stop video")
- onFinish:"Play next video", //"Play next video","Restart video", "Stop video",
- nowPlayingText:"Yes", //enable disable now playing title: "Yes","No"
- HTML5VideoQuality:"HD", //choose HTML5 video quality (HD, SD)
- HTML5videoThumbnails: "vtt", //select video thumbnails for HTML5 self hosted videos: "none", "vtt", "live" "none"->disable thumbnails,"vtt"->show pre-made images at specified time intervals, "live"->thumbnails show in real-time captured from actual video.
- preloadSelfHosted:"none", //choose preload buffer for self hosted mp4 videos (video type HTML5): "none", "auto"
- rightClickMenu:true, //enable/disable right click over HTML5 player: true/false
- hideVideoSource:false, //option to hide self hosted video sources (to prevent users from download/steal your videos): true/false
- showAllControls:true, //enable/disable all HTML5 player controls: true/false
- allowSkipAd:true, //enable/disable "Skip advertisement" option: true/false
- rewindShow: "Yes", //enable/disable rewind option: "Yes","No"
- qualityShow: "Yes", //enable/disable quality video option: "Yes","No"
- infoShow:"Yes", //enable/disable info option: "Yes","No"
- shareShow:"Yes", //enable/disable all share options: "Yes","No"
- facebookShow:"Yes", //enable/disable facebook option individually: "Yes","No"
- twitterShow:"Yes", //enable/disable twitter option individually: "Yes","No"
- facebookShareName:"Elite video player", //first parametar of facebook share in facebook feed dialog is title
- facebookShareLink:"", //second parametar of facebook share in facebook feed dialog is link below title
- facebookShareDescription:"Elite Video Player is stunning, modern, responsive, fully customisable high-end video player for WordPress that support advertising and the most popular video platforms like YouTube, Vimeo or self-hosting videos (mp4).", //third parametar of facebook share in facebook feed dialog is description below link
- facebookSharePicture:"", //fourth parametar in facebook feed dialog is picture on left side
- twitterText:"Elite video player", //first parametar of twitter share in twitter feed dialog is text
- twitterLink:"", //second parametar of twitter share in twitter feed dialog is link
- twitterHashtags:"wordpressvideoplayer", //third parametar of twitter share in twitter feed dialog is hashtag
- twitterVia:"Creative media", //fourth parametar of twitter share in twitter feed dialog is via (@)
- logoShow:"Yes", //"Yes","No"
- logoClickable:"Yes", //"Yes","No"
- logoPath:"images/logo/logo.png", //path to logo image
- logoGoToLink:"", //redirect to page when logo clicked
- logoPosition:"bottom-left", //choose logo position: "bottom-right","bottom-left"
- embedShow:"Yes", //enable/disable embed option: "Yes","No"
- embedCodeSrc:"", //path to your video player on server
- embedCodeW:"746", //embed player code width
- embedCodeH:"420", //embed player code height
- embedShareLink:"", //direct link to your site (or any other URL) you want to be "shared"
- showGlobalPrerollAds: false, //enable/disable 'global' ads and overwrite each individual ad in 'videos' :true/false
- globalPrerollAds: "url1;url2;url3;url4;url5",//set 'pool' of url's that are separated by ; (global prerolls will play randomly)
- globalPrerollAdsSkipTimer: 5, //skip global advertisement seconds
- globalPrerollAdsGotoLink: "",//global advertisement goto link
- advertisementTitle:"Advertisement", //translate "Advertisement" title to your language
- skipAdvertisementText:"Skip advertisement", //translate "Skip advertisement" button to your language
- skipAdText:"You can skip this ad in", //translate "You can skip this ad in" counter to your language
- mutedNotificationText:"Video has no sound", //translate "Video has no sound" button to your language
- playBtnTooltipTxt:"Play", //translate "Play" to your language
- pauseBtnTooltipTxt:"Pause", //translate "Pause" to your language
- rewindBtnTooltipTxt:"Rewind", //translate "Rewind" to your language
- downloadVideoBtnTooltipTxt:"Download video", //translate "Download video" to your language
- qualityBtnOpenedTooltipTxt:"Close settings", //translate "Close settings" to your language
- qualityBtnClosedTooltipTxt:"Settings", //translate "Settings" to your language
- ccShowOnHTML5Videos: true, //enable/disable mp4 captions globally for all HTML5 videos
- ccShowOnVideoLoad: true, //enable/disable mp4 captions to display on HTML5 video load (if ccUrl is defined)
- ccBtnOpenedTooltipTxt:"Hide captions", //translate "Hide captions" to your language
- ccBtnClosedTooltipTxt:"Show captions", //translate "Show captions" to your language
- muteBtnTooltipTxt:"Mute", //translate "Mute" to your language
- unmuteBtnTooltipTxt:"Unmute", //translate "Unmute" to your language
- fullscreenBtnTooltipTxt:"Fullscreen", //translate "Fullscreen" to your language
- exitFullscreenBtnTooltipTxt:"Exit fullscreen",//translate "Exit fullscreen" to your language
- infoBtnTooltipTxt:"Show info", //translate "Show info" to your language
- embedBtnTooltipTxt:"Embed", //translate "Embed" to your language
- shareBtnTooltipTxt:"Share", //translate "Share" to your language
- volumeTooltipTxt:"Volume", //translate "Volume" to your language
- playlistBtnClosedTooltipTxt:"Show playlist", //translate "Show playlist" to your language
- playlistBtnOpenedTooltipTxt:"Hide playlist", //translate "Exit fullscreen" to your language
- facebookBtnTooltipTxt:"Share on Facebook", //translate "Share on Facebook" to your language
- twitterBtnTooltipTxt:"Share on Twitter", //translate "Share on Twitter" to your language
- lastBtnTooltipTxt:"Go to last video", //translate "Go to last video" to your language
- firstBtnTooltipTxt:"Go to first video", //translate "Go to first video" to your language
- nextBtnTooltipTxt:"Play next video", //translate "Play next video" to your language
- previousBtnTooltipTxt:"Play previous video", //translate "Play previous video" to your language
- shuffleBtnOnTooltipTxt:"Shuffle on", //translate "Shuffle on" to your language
- shuffleBtnOffTooltipTxt:"Shuffle off", //translate "Shuffle off" to your language
- nowPlayingTooltipTxt:"NOW PLAYING", //translate "NOW PLAYING" to your language
- embedWindowTitle1:"SHARE THIS PLAYER:", //translate "SHARE THIS PLAYER:" to your language
- embedWindowTitle2:"EMBED THIS VIDEO IN YOUR SITE:",//translate "EMBED THIS VIDEO IN YOUR SITE:" to your language
- embedWindowTitle3:"SHARE CURRENT VIDEO:", //translate "SHARE CURRENT VIDEO:" to your language
- copyTxt:"Copy",
- copiedTxt:"Copied!",
- youtubePlaylistID:"", //automatic youtube playlist ID (leave blank "" if you want to use manual playlist) PLuFX50GllfgP_mecAi4LV7cYva-WLVnaM
- youtubeChannelID:"", //automatic youtube channel ID (leave blank "" if you want to use manual playlist) UCHqaLr9a9M7g9QN6xem9HcQ
- youtubeChannelNumberOfVideos:"",
- //manual playlist
- videos:[
- {
- videoType:"youtube", //choose video type: "HTML5", "youtube", "vimeo", "image"
- title:"Youtube video", //video title
- youtubeID:"0dJO0HyE8xE", //last part if the URL
- vimeoID:"119641053", //last part of the URL
- mp4HD:"", //HTML5 video HD mp4 url
- mp4SD:"", //HTML5 video SD mp4 url
- mp4VideoThumbnails_vtt:"captions/videoThumbnails.vtt", //mp4 thumbnails vtt file
- mp4VideoThumbnails_img:"captions/videoThumbnails.vtt", //mp4 thumbnails jpg file (single spritesheet)
- ccUrl: "", //mp4 captions url
- enable_mp4_download:"yes", //enable download button for self hosted videos: "yes","no"
- imageUrl:"images/preview_images/poster2.jpg", //display image instead of playing video
- imageTimer:4, //set time how long image will display
- prerollAD:"no", //show pre-roll "yes","no"
- prerollGotoLink:"", //pre-roll goto link
- preroll_mp4:"", //pre-roll video mp4 format
- prerollSkipTimer:5,
- midrollAD:"no", //show mid-roll "yes","no"
- midrollAD_displayTime:"00:10", //show mid-roll at any custom time in format "minutes:seconds" ("00:00")
- midrollGotoLink:"", //mid-roll goto link
- midroll_mp4:"", //mid-roll video mp4 format
- midrollSkipTimer:5,
- postrollAD:"no", //show post-roll "yes","no"
- postrollGotoLink:"", //post-roll goto link
- postroll_mp4:"", //post-roll video mp4 format
- postrollSkipTimer:5,
- popupImg:"images/preview_images/popup.jpg", //popup image URL
- popupAdShow:"no", //enable/disable popup image: "yes","no"
- popupAdStartTime:"00:03", //time to show popup ad during playback
- popupAdEndTime:"00:07", //time to hide popup ad during playback
- popupAdGoToLink:"", //re-direct to URL when popup ad clicked
- description:"Video description goes here.", //video description
- thumbImg:"images/thumbnail_images/pic1.jpg", //set "auto" or leave blank "" to grab it automatically from youtube, or set path to playlist thumbnail image
- info:"Video info goes here.<br>This text can be <i>HTML formatted</i>, <a href='' target='_blank'><font color='008BFF'>find out more</font></a>.<br>You can disable this info window in player options. <br><br>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eu pri dolores theophrastus. Posidonium vituperatoribus cu mel, cum feugiat nostrum sapientem ne. Vis ea summo persius, unum velit erant in eos, pri ut suas iriure euripidis. Ad augue expetendis sea. Ne usu saperet appetere honestatis, ne qui nulla debitis sententiae." //video info
- },
- {
- videoType:"vimeo",
- title:"Vimeo vimeo",
- youtubeID:"0dJO0HyE8xE",
- vimeoID:"119641053",
- mp4HD:"",
- mp4SD:"",
- mp4VideoThumbnails_vtt:"captions/videoThumbnails.vtt",
- mp4VideoThumbnails_img:"captions/videoThumbnails.vtt",
- ccUrl: "",
- enable_mp4_download:"yes",
- imageUrl:"images/preview_images/poster2.jpg",
- imageTimer:4,
- prerollAD:"no",
- prerollGotoLink:"",
- preroll_mp4:"",
- prerollSkipTimer:5,
- midrollAD:"no",
- midrollAD_displayTime:"00:10",
- midrollGotoLink:"",
- midroll_mp4:"",
- midrollSkipTimer:5,
- postrollAD:"no",
- postrollGotoLink:"",
- postroll_mp4:"",
- postrollSkipTimer:5,
- popupImg:"images/preview_images/popup.jpg",
- popupAdShow:"no",
- popupAdStartTime:"00:03",
- popupAdEndTime:"00:07",
- popupAdGoToLink:"",
- description:"Video description goes here.",
- thumbImg:"images/thumbnail_images/pic1.jpg",
- info:"Video info goes here.<br>This text can be <i>HTML formatted</i>, <a href='' target='_blank'><font color='008BFF'>find out more</font></a>.<br>You can disable this info window in player options. <br><br>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eu pri dolores theophrastus. Posidonium vituperatoribus cu mel, cum feugiat nostrum sapientem ne. Vis ea summo persius, unum velit erant in eos, pri ut suas iriure euripidis. Ad augue expetendis sea. Ne usu saperet appetere honestatis, ne qui nulla debitis sententiae."
- },
- {
- videoType:"HTML5",
- title:"HLS m3u8 video",
- youtubeID:"0dJO0HyE8xE",
- vimeoID:"119641053",
- mp4HD:"",
- mp4SD:"",
- mp4VideoThumbnails_vtt:"captions/videoThumbnails.vtt",
- mp4VideoThumbnails_img:"captions/videoThumbnails.vtt",
- ccUrl: "",
- enable_mp4_download:"yes",
- imageUrl:"images/preview_images/poster2.jpg",
- imageTimer:4,
- prerollAD:"no",
- prerollGotoLink:"",
- preroll_mp4:"",
- prerollSkipTimer:5,
- midrollAD:"no",
- midrollAD_displayTime:"00:10",
- midrollGotoLink:"",
- midroll_mp4:"",
- midrollSkipTimer:5,
- postrollAD:"no",
- postrollGotoLink:"",
- postroll_mp4:"",
- postrollSkipTimer:5,
- popupImg:"images/preview_images/popup.jpg",
- popupAdShow:"no",
- popupAdStartTime:"00:03",
- popupAdEndTime:"00:07",
- popupAdGoToLink:"",
- description:"Video description goes here.",
- thumbImg:"images/thumbnail_images/pic1.jpg",
- info:"Video info goes here.<br>This text can be <i>HTML formatted</i>, <a href='' target='_blank'><font color='008BFF'>find out more</font></a>.<br>You can disable this info window in player options. <br><br>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eu pri dolores theophrastus. Posidonium vituperatoribus cu mel, cum feugiat nostrum sapientem ne. Vis ea summo persius, unum velit erant in eos, pri ut suas iriure euripidis. Ad augue expetendis sea. Ne usu saperet appetere honestatis, ne qui nulla debitis sententiae."
- },
- {
- videoType:"HTML5",
- title:"HTML5 video with captions",
- youtubeID:"0dJO0HyE8xE",
- vimeoID:"119641053",
- mp4HD:"",
- mp4SD:"",
- mp4VideoThumbnails_vtt:"captions/videoThumbnails.vtt",
- mp4VideoThumbnails_img:"captions/videoThumbnails.vtt",
- ccUrl: "",
- enable_mp4_download:"yes",
- imageUrl:"images/preview_images/poster2.jpg",
- imageTimer:4,
- prerollAD:"no",
- prerollGotoLink:"",
- preroll_mp4:"",
- prerollSkipTimer:5,
- midrollAD:"no",
- midrollAD_displayTime:"00:10",
- midrollGotoLink:"",
- midroll_mp4:"",
- midrollSkipTimer:5,
- postrollAD:"no",
- postrollGotoLink:"",
- postroll_mp4:"",
- postrollSkipTimer:5,
- popupImg:"images/preview_images/popup.jpg",
- popupAdShow:"no",
- popupAdStartTime:"00:03",
- popupAdEndTime:"00:07",
- popupAdGoToLink:"",
- description:"Video description goes here.",
- thumbImg:"images/thumbnail_images/pic1.jpg",
- info:"Video info goes here.<br>This text can be <i>HTML formatted</i>, <a href='' target='_blank'><font color='008BFF'>find out more</font></a>.<br>You can disable this info window in player options. <br><br>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eu pri dolores theophrastus. Posidonium vituperatoribus cu mel, cum feugiat nostrum sapientem ne. Vis ea summo persius, unum velit erant in eos, pri ut suas iriure euripidis. Ad augue expetendis sea. Ne usu saperet appetere honestatis, ne qui nulla debitis sententiae."
- },
- {
- videoType:"HTML5",
- title:"Video title",
- youtubeID:"0dJO0HyE8xE",
- vimeoID:"119641053",
- mp4HD:"",
- mp4SD:"",
- mp4VideoThumbnails_vtt:"captions/videoThumbnails.vtt",
- mp4VideoThumbnails_img:"captions/videoThumbnails.vtt",
- ccUrl: "",
- enable_mp4_download:"yes",
- imageUrl:"images/preview_images/poster2.jpg",
- imageTimer:4,
- prerollAD:"no",
- prerollGotoLink:"",
- preroll_mp4:"",
- prerollSkipTimer:5,
- midrollAD:"no",
- midrollAD_displayTime:"00:10",
- midrollGotoLink:"",
- midroll_mp4:"",
- midrollSkipTimer:5,
- postrollAD:"no",
- postrollGotoLink:"",
- postroll_mp4:"",
- postrollSkipTimer:5,
- popupImg:"images/preview_images/popup.jpg",
- popupAdShow:"no",
- popupAdStartTime:"00:03",
- popupAdEndTime:"00:07",
- popupAdGoToLink:"",
- description:"Video description goes here.",
- thumbImg:"images/thumbnail_images/pic1.jpg",
- info:"Video info goes here.<br>This text can be <i>HTML formatted</i>, <a href='' target='_blank'><font color='008BFF'>find out more</font></a>.<br>You can disable this info window in player options. <br><br>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eu pri dolores theophrastus. Posidonium vituperatoribus cu mel, cum feugiat nostrum sapientem ne. Vis ea summo persius, unum velit erant in eos, pri ut suas iriure euripidis. Ad augue expetendis sea. Ne usu saperet appetere honestatis, ne qui nulla debitis sententiae."
- }
- ]
- });
- });
- </script>
- <div id="Elite_video_player"></div>
A webpage should only load one instance of jQuery. Loading more then one instance of the jQuery library can cause conflicts.
VAST - Video Ad Serving Template
VMAP - Video Multiple Ad Playlist
IMA - Interactive Media Ads
how to know if ad is preroll/midroll/postroll/nonlinear?
Open one of VMAP xml files from folder "...assets/vast/xml". You'll see timeOffset attribute, which tells you which ad type (pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll, nonlinear) is xml file in <vmap:AdTagURI> ...VAST_xml_file_here </vmap:AdTagURI> tag.
- <vmap:AdBreak timeOffset="start"> - pre-roll
- <vmap:AdBreak timeOffset="end"> - post-roll
- <vmap:AdBreak timeOffset="50%"> - mid-roll
- <vmap:AdBreak timeOffset="00:05"> - mid-roll
- <Ad timeOffset="start">.....</Ad> - this is preroll ad played at beggining of video
- <Ad timeOffset="00:05">...</Ad> - this is midroll ad at time 00:05
- <Ad timeOffset="end">....</Ad> - this is postroll ad played at end of video
VAST are by default non-skippable.
- <Linear> - not skippable (default)
- <Linear skipoffset="00:00:05"> - skippable
- youtubePlaylistID: "PLuFX50GllfgP_mecAi4LV7cYva-WLVnaM"
- youtubeChannelID: "UCHqaLr9a9M7g9QN6xem9HcQ"
- youtubeChannelID: "djolepiv"
- youtubeChannelNumberOfVideos: ""
- videoType:"HTML5"
- mp4:""
- videoType:"youtube"
- youtubeID:"LfTLc5JGFPc"
- videoType:"vimeo"
- vimeoID:"32707724"
- videoType:"image"
- imageUrl:"images/preview_images/poster2.jpg"
- imageTimer: 4
- ,
- {
- videoType:"youtube",
- title:"Youtube video",
- youtubeID:"0dJO0HyE8xE",
- vimeoID:"119641053",
- mp4HD:"",
- mp4SD:"",
- ccUrl: "",
- enable_mp4_download:"no",
- imageUrl:"images/preview_images/poster2.jpg",
- imageTimer:4,
- prerollAD:"no",
- prerollGotoLink:"",
- preroll_mp4:"",
- prerollSkipTimer:5,
- midrollAD:"no",
- midrollAD_displayTime:"00:10",
- midrollGotoLink:"",
- midroll_mp4:"",
- midrollSkipTimer:5,
- postrollAD:"no",
- postrollGotoLink:"",
- postroll_mp4:"",
- postrollSkipTimer:5,
- popupImg:"images/preview_images/popup.jpg",
- popupAdShow:"no",
- popupAdStartTime:"00:03",
- popupAdEndTime:"00:07",
- popupAdGoToLink:"",
- description:"Video description goes here.",
- thumbImg:"images/thumbnail_images/pic1.jpg",
- info:"Video info goes here."
- }
You can display video thumbnails on mouse hover over progress bar. (option HTML5videoThumbnails)
Video thumbnails can be "live" or "vtt".
"live" - video thumbnails will be automatically generated live from video.
"vtt" - video thumbnails needs to be pre-configured with .vtt file and .jpg file (you can find them in folder /captions)
To turn off video thumbnails set "none".
If you use self-hosted videos (videoType:"HTML5"), you will need to provide only mp4 format to make player work cross-browsers on all platforms (desktop and mobile phones/tablets).
To convert your video to mp4 you can use this online converter, or any other similar software.
To use pre-roll videos as advertising simply enable pre-roll option for particular video and enter URL to your ad video from your server:
- prerollAD:"yes"
- preroll_mp4:""
- prerollGotoLink:""
Also you can have timer when to show "skip advertisement" option,
which can be set to any time you want (seconds):
- prerollSkipTimer:5
To use mid-roll advertising simply enable mid-roll option for particular video and enter URL to your ad video from your server:
- midrollAD:"yes"
- midroll_mp4:""
- midrollGotoLink:""
- midrollAD_displayTime:"00:10",
Also you can have timer when to show "skip advertisement" option,
which can be set to any time you want (seconds):
- midrollSkipTimer:5
To use post-roll advertising simply enable post-roll option for particular video and enter URL to your ad video from your server:
- postrollAD:"yes"
- postroll_mp4:""
- postrollGotoLink:""
Also you can have timer when to show "skip advertisement" option,
which can be set to any time you want (seconds):
- postrollSkipTimer:5
To use pop-up advertising simply enable pop-up option for particular video and enter URL to your image ad from your server:
- popupAdShow:"yes"
- popupImg:"images/preview_images/popup.jpg"
- popupAdGoToLink:"",
- popupAdStartTime:"00:03"
- popupAdEndTime:"00:07"
You can customize look of your player by inserting any color as "color accent" option.
Color accent can be hexadecimal value (#cc181e) or rbg value ( rgb(204,24,30)).
- colorAccent:"#cc181e"
is equvalent to:
- colorAccent:"rgb(204, 24, 30)"
To choose color accent for your player you can use one of these online color pickers:
This tool can be useful if you want to match your website colors
Popular pre-built colors you can use:
To customize vimeo and youtube players separately use this options:
- vimeoColor:"00adef", //set "hexadecimal value", default vimeo color is "00adef"
- youtubeSkin:"dark", //youtube theme: light,dark
- youtubeColor:"red", //youtube color: red, white
To customize playlist scrollbar set one of the pre-built scrollbar themes:
- playlistScrollType:"light",
available scrollbar themes:
You can have multiple players per page. Every player can have it's own settings. Add the following in your HTML document:
Example how to show 2 players in one page:
- <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
- $(document).ready(function($)
- {
- videoPlayer = $("#Elite_video_player1").Video({
- });
- //add this for player 2
- videoPlayer = $("#Elite_video_player2").Video({
- });
- });
- </script>
- <body>
- <div id="Elite_video_player1"></div>
- //add this for player 2:
- <div id="Elite_video_player2"></div>
- </body>
For each instance of the player you need to change option instanceName, for example:
first instance of the player:
second instance of the player:
Done! Now you should be able to see 2 player in your HTML page.
- AddType video/mp4 .mp4
Vimeo usage:
If you use vimeo player, you’ll need to be running on a web server instead of opening the file directly in your browser. Flash and JS security restrictions will prevent the API from working when run locally.
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